(02) 6162 0582 hello@cfac.com.au

Our Services

We provide a dedicated and unique women’s imagery service.

Primary Services


We provide a dedicated and unique women’s imagery service. Our obstetrics services include: Nuchal scan, Cervical scan, Morphology scan, Growth wellbeing scan, Dating and Viability scan and Ultrasound.


We provide a dedicated and unique women’s imagery service. Our gynaecology services include: HyCoSy/SGH procedures and Pelvic ultrasound.

Prenatal Testing

We provide a dedicated and unique women’s imagery service. Our prenatal testing services include: Chorion villus sampling, Amniocentesis and Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).


We provide a dedicated and unique women’s imagery service. Our counselling services include: Counselling following routine screening, Pre-pregnancy counselling and Pregnancy loss counselling.

About Us

The Canberra Fetal Assessment Centre (CFAC) is a complete and unique obstetrics and gynaecology ultrasound service. Our experienced doctors and sonographers provide an expert service specialising in maternal and fetal Medicine and women’s health.


  • CFAC Bruce
    85/15 Braybrooke Street
    Bruce ACT 2617 
  • CFAC Deakin
    Suite 3-7,
    175 Strickland Crescent
    Deakin ACT 2600


(02) 6162 0582

